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Careers Education

Career education and guidance is more than just deciding on a major and what job you want to get when you graduate. It is a lifelong process that is influenced by your interests, abilities and passion.

The delivery of careers education is designed to empower students to become pro-active in their consideration of post-18 choices, so that their decisions are based on sound information, and an assessment of their own aptitudes and interests. Through individual and group counselling, students are encouraged to develop their market ability and are supported to develop a broad-based academic and personal curriculum vitae.

We believe that students should be exposed to opportunities to learn about workplaces from the beginning of their primary School years. We aim to offer students a programme of advice and guidance that is stable and structured to enhance their curricular experience.

From Year 7 to graduation students learn to recognize the value of mentorship within the workplace, are exposed to various professions, can link curriculum learning to careers, and increase in confidence and communication skills.  We believe that this better prepares them for post-Sixth Form education while building a cohesive group of learners and educators within the local community.

Starting in Year 7 students will learn about career paths, the labour market, and educational routes through Career Carousels, sessions with guest speakers, and mock workday events such as “Young Entrepreneur’s Day”. Every pupil will be given the opportunity to challenge stereotypical thinking, raise ambitions, and link educational goals to career aspirations.

In Years 11 and 12 we support students in obtaining Work Experience placements at a range of employers throughout Sweden. Students create CVs, draft letters of intent, and may even engage in interviews to secure a placement that aligns with their interests.  In doing so, students learn the job application procedure with hands-on support from experienced Careers Advisors within the British School, Stockholm.

Once placed in a job posting, students shadow employers, learn about a range of jobs within a company, and engage in career-related tasks to better experience the workplace.

If you are a parent, or community member and feel that you could support our Work Experience placement programme for Year 11 and 12 students, please contact BSG indicating your interest. We thank you in advance for your interest in developing this exciting opportunity.